The Blue Shadows, A Thousand Times Tabs
Artist/Band: Blue Shadows, The Tabs
Song: A Thousand Times Tab
Note: To play in the same key as the song on the album, the string
need to be tuned down a semi-tone (to: Eb Ab Db F# Bb Eb)
Intro |A7 | |D |
I told you no a thousand times Don't try to make me change my mind
A7 G D
You see I'm happy where I am And I don't need your cheating kind
I told my baby I'd be true Twas on the day we said I do
To hurt her once would be a crime I told you no a thousand times
G D A7 D
I've been a fool before now I don't fool around no more
Bm Bm/A bass E7 A7
Cuz when it comes to love I learned my lesson well
Don't get me wrong it's crossed my mind
I just won't step across that line
She's someone I don't want to lose true love is hard enough to find
Go give your heart to someone else then maybe you'll see for yourself
And understand the reason why I told you no a thousand times
[Repeat Intro]
You see I've been a fool before now I don't fool around no more
Cuz when it comes to love I learned my lesson well
Go give your heart to someone else then maybe you'll see for yourself
And understand the reason why I told you no a thousand times
You'll understand the reason why I told you no a thousand times