Artist: Garth Brooks | Song: Belleau Wood 2

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Garth Brooks, Belleau Wood 2 Tabs

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Country Tabs > Brooks Garth Tabs > Belleau Wood 2

Artist/Band: Brooks Garth Tabs
Song: Belleau Wood 2 Tab

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"Belleau Wood" Written by Joe Henry and Garth Brooks
Performed by Garth Brooks
Transcribed by Jonathan Kerr and Jamie Knight

Song:Belleau Wood

Start with a D on the 5th fret for the opening

           D              D/F#
Oh the snowfakes fell in silence
     Bm       A         D
Over Belleau Wood that night
      G                        D
For a Christmas truce had been declared
   Em7               A7  A7sus          
By both sides of the fight

       D                D/F#
As we lay there in our trenches
     G               G
The silence broke in two
     G              D 
By a German soldier singing
  A               D
A song that we all knew

         D             D/F#
Though I did not know the language
     Bm        A          D
The song was "Silent Night"
       G              D 
Then I heard my buddy whisper,
         Em7             A7sus  A7
"All is calm, and all is bright"
          D               D/F#
Then the fear and doubt surrounded me
           G            G
'Cause I'd die if I was wrong
       G             D
But I stood up in my trench
       A            D
And I began to sing along

     A                 A
Then across the frozen battlefield
G                     D
Another's voice joined in
      G               D
Until one by one each man became 
   Em7           A7sus  A7  A7sus
A singer of the hymn

       D                  D/F#
Then I thought that I was dreaming
    Bm          A     D
For right there in my sight
G                D
Stood the German soldier
Em7                           A7sus  A7
'Neath the falling flakes of white

    D                   D/F#
And raised his hand and smiled at me
   G               G
As if he seemed to say
       G              D
Here's hoping we both live
          A             D
To see us find a better way

         A                    A
Then the devil's clock struck midnight 
         G           D
And the skies lit up again
        G                 D
And the battlefield where heaven stood
     Em7             A7sus  A A7sus 
Was blown to  hell again

         D             D/F#
But for just one fleeting moment
     G                G
The answer seemed so clear
G             D
Heaven's not beyond the clouds
    Em7              Bm    A     
It's just beyond the fear
   G              D
No Heaven's not beyond the clouds
        Em7      A
Its for us to find it here

Finale tabbed out (not perfect, but close):


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  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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