Artist: Guy Clark | Song: Worry Be Gone

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Guy Clark, Worry Be Gone Tabs

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Country Tabs > Clark Guy Tabs > Worry Be Gone

Artist/Band: Clark Guy Tabs
Song: Worry Be Gone Tab

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G                      D                   G
Give me just one more sip of that Worry B Gone
G                                               D
I'm planning on feelin' much better before too long
G                              C
Got a world of trouble that I need to forget
   A                     C      A
I'm on my way but I ain't there yet
G                      D                  G
Give me just one more sip of that Worry B Gone

G                    D              G
Everywhere I look, trouble is all I see
G                                      D
Can't listen to the radio, can't stand TV
G                               C
I've got trouble with the air, trouble with the water
  A                    C                       A
People ain't treating one another like they ought�ta
G                      D                   G
Give me just one more sip of that Worry B Gone

   C                   G
Don't wanna hear no preacher preachin'
    C                  G
No more politician b***hin'
  C                  A
All those songs about love gone wrong
      E                     A
Got me wonderin' where my baby's gone

    C                            G
Well, I can't suffer for wastin' my time
    C                         G
Don't give me no advise that rime
G                      D                     G
Just give just one more puff of that Worry B Gone

   C                  G
Don't wanna hear no preacher preachin'
   C                 G
No more politician b***hin'
   C                 A
All those songs about love gone wrong
      E                       A
Got me wonderin' where my baby's gone

G                     D                    G
Give me just one more hit of that Worry B Gone
G                          D                     G
Yeah, give me just one more sip of that Worry B Gone
G                     D                     G
Give me just one more puff of that Worry B Gone

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.