Artist: Diamond Rio | Song: Mirror Mirror

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Diamond Rio, Mirror Mirror Tabs

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Country Tabs > Diamond Rio Tabs > Mirror Mirror

Artist/Band: Diamond Rio Tabs
Song: Mirror Mirror Tab

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			Mirror Mirror - Diamond Rio

Chorus: G                    G7
	Mirror mirror, on my wall
	        C7                          G
	tell me who is the lonliest fool of all
	    G                  G   Bm  Em
	now wait a minute, I believe I see
	    G              D7      G
	the answer staring back at me

Verse1:	      C7                      
	Spent most of the morning laying in bed
	G                                     G7
	lunch was black coffee and three cigarettes
	they say it'll kill me, but I've got a hunch
	G                         D               G
	this broken heart's gonna beat 'em to the punch


Verse2: I'm the one who swore she would stay
	right up till the moment the U-haul drove away
	she didn't leave a table, she didn't leave a chair
	but she knew what she was doing when she left you hanging there

	    G                  G   Bm  Em
	now wait a minute, I believe I see
	    G              D7      G
	the answer staring back at me

	Charted by Rick Schofield (

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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