Artist: Diamond Rio | Song: One More Day 3

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Diamond Rio, One More Day 3 Tabs

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Artist/Band: Diamond Rio Tabs
Song: One More Day 3 Tab

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    Song Title: ONE MORE DAY
Artist: Diamond�  Rio
Submitted by: David Weikel with special thanks to previous  contributors� who got 
me started with this. I took your work, listened  very closely� to the song and noticed 
some differences. So, thanks to> and   
I use 'Drop D' on this song. It� gives the guitar a good  bottom end and allows you to 
play the bass note slide at the end of the  song. I have a Chubb Capo, so I simply place 
the capo on the second fret so  that it covers the first 5 strings. The 6th string is 
left untouched. You  can then play this song with a 'D' key� fingering. If you don't have 
a  Chubb capo, or one that can� cover only 5 strings, tune the 6th string  
down to 'D', and then capo at the� second fret. You'll get the same  sound, but you'll have
to play with the individual notes on the 6th  string� (they'll be 2 frets higher than 
you're used to).  � Chord Layouts (assumes 'Drop D', so don't play  6th� string on some chords): 
D������ | |  | 2 3 2
Dsus4�� | | | 2 2 2
D2����� | |  | 2 3 |
D/C#��� | 4 | 2 3  2
A������ x | 2 2 2  |
A2����� x | 2 2 | |
Asus��� x |  2 2 3 |
Em����� x 2 2 | |  |
Bm����� 2 2 4 4 3  2
G������ 3 2 | | | 3�  
G5����� 3 2 | | 3 3�  � When I pick individual strings, like� you'll  see in the intro, I have a little shorthand 
that I use to note them� by  first showing the string, followed by the fret. 
For example, to� play a  'G' note, it's 6th string, 3rd fret, or 6-3. 
The 5th� string, 4th fret  is 5-4. 
I hope that makes sense.� It's easier for me to do it this way  than to tab it out with 
tab notation. The� lick laid out here isn't  exact, but I'm not too good at them and 
this sounds okay to me. I'd like to  work on this and maybe do it with two strings in� 
thirds.  � 
Intro: D Dsus4 Bm� G 6-3 5-0 5-4  4-0 5-4 5-2 5-0� (Repeat) A�  
D������������  G5�����������  D���� D2� D
Last night I had a crazy�  dream
���  D���������������  G5
A� wish was granted just for  me
��������  Em���������  A���� A2��� A
It could be for  anything
���  Bm�����������  G5
I� didn't ask for money
�����  D��������� D/C#�  Bm�� A
Or a mansion in Malibu
��  G5����������������  A�����������������  D��� Dsus4 D
I simply wished for one more day with�  you��������������������   � �������  Bm�� A�������  D���� Dsus4 Bm
Chorus: One more day, one more�  time
�����������������  G5������������  A�����������  D�� Dsus4 D
������� One more  sunset, maybe I'd� be�  satisfied
�����������������  Bm�����  A�����������������  D��� D/C#���  Bm
������� But then again, I know what  it� would do
��������  A���������  G5���������������  A�����������������  D��� Dsus4 Bm�� G���  
������� Leave me wishin' still for  one� more day with you
��������  A��������� D Dsus4  Bm��� G���� 6-3, 5-0, 5-4, 4-0, 5-4, 5-2,  5-0��� A
������� One more  day��������������   � �����  D��������������  G5����������������  D����� D2� D
First thing I'd do is pray  for� time to crawl
����  D��������� G5
I'd unplug  the�  telephone
Em����������  A��� A2��� A
Keep the TV�  off
����  Bm�������������  G5
I'd hold you every�  second
����������  D������� D/C#�����  Bm�������� A
And say a million  "I� love you's"
�������  G5���������������  A������������������  D��� Dsus4 D
That's what I'd do with one more day with�  you��  
������������������  Bm�� A�������  D���� Dsus4 Bm
Chorus: One more day, one more�  time
�����������������  G5������������  A�����������  D�� Dsus4 D
������� One more  sunset, maybe I'd� be�  satisfied
�����������������  Bm��������  A�����������������  D������� D/C#���  Bm
������� But then again, I know what  it� would do
��������  A���������  G5���������������  A�����������������  D��� Dsus4� D��  
������� Leave me� wishin' still for  one more day with you
Very Quiet�  Guitar....������������   � ��������  Bm�� A��������  D�������� Bm 
One more day, one  more� time
���������  G5������������  A�����������  D�� Dsus4 D
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied��   � Guitar back to� normal...�   � �����������  Bm������  A������������������  D�� D/C#�� Bm
But then again, I know what it would�  do
A��������  G5����������������  A�������������  D��� D/C#� Bm���� 
Leave me  wishin'� still for one more  day
A��������  G5����������������  A�������������  D��� D/C#� Bm 
Leave me wishin' still for one more�  day
A��������  G5��������������������������  Asus�� A
Leave me wishin' still for one more�  day
����� D
With you��  � D Dsus4 Bm�� G���  A������ D Dsus4 Bm��� G 6-3�  5-0� 5-4 4-0 5-4� 5-2 6-5 (slide� to 6-0)  D
�����������������  One more day(one more day)

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.