Johnny Horton, The Battle Of Bull Run Tabs
Artist/Band: Horton Johnny Tabs
Song: The Battle Of Bull Run Tab
Battle Of Bull Run
Written by Leon Payne
Recorded by Johnny Horton
(Capo on 3)
Intro.: --- | (D) | (D) | (G) | (D) ---
The (D)sun shown bright and clear that day, we (G)all left Washing-(D)ton
To (D)lick the Rebel boys in grey at the (G)Battle of Bull (D)Run
They (D)came from Pennsylvania and (G)some from Mary-(D)land
To (D)see the Rebel boys get spanked by (G)Honest Abe's broad (D)hand
We said we'll (D)run 'em to Atlanta and to Galveston (Bm)Bay
But they (D)ran us back to Washington and (G)Philadelphi-(D)a
And (G)Philadelphi-(D)a
The (D)ladies wore their brightest shawls, the (G)gentlemen were (D)gay
They came to see their Yankee boys WHIP (G)old Virgini-(D)a
I (D)held my momma's hand and skipped, when a (G)soldier said to (D)me
Would you (D)rather have Jeff Davis' hat or the (D)sword of Bobbie (D)Lee
We said we'll (D)run 'em to Atlanta and to Galveston (Bm)Bay
But they (D)ran us back to Washington and (G)Philadelphi-(D)a
And (G)Philadelphi-(D)a
And (D)then the general doffed his hat and (G)said let's rest a (D)spell
And (D)for the first time we all heard that (G)awful rebel (D)yell
The (D)waters of MANASSAS creek be-(G)came a ruby (D)red
And (D)many a Reb and Yankee boy lay (G)in the willows (D)dead
We said we'll (D)run 'em to Atlanta and to Galveston (Bm)Bay
But they (D)ran us back to Washington and (G)Philadelphi-(D)a
And (G)Philadelphi-(D)a
A (D)fight locked in the chest of time too (G)horrible to (D)tell
Vir-(D)ginny's true green countryside be-(G)came a lake of (D)hell
Don't (D)count your chicks before they're hatched or you'll (G)work until it's (D)done
Re-(D)member yes remember long the (G)Battle of Bull (D)Run
We said we'll (D)run 'em to Atlanta and to Galveston (Bm)Bay
But they (D)ran us back to Washington and (G)Philadelphi-(D)a
And (G)Philadelphi-(D)a | (G) | (D) | (D) (A) | (D)