Artist: George Jones | Song: Old, Old House

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George Jones, Old, Old House Tabs

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Country Tabs > Jones George Tabs > Old, Old House

Artist/Band: Jones George Tabs
Song: Old, Old House Tab

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The Old Old House

(D)There's an old, old house
that (G) once was a man- (D)sion
On a (G) hill overlooking the (A) town
But (D time has left a wreck-(G)age
Where (D) once there was beauty
And soon the old (A) house will tumble (D) down

    But when the leaves start to (G) fall in (D)autumn
    And the raindrops (G) drip from the (D) trees
    There's an old old (A) man
    Who walks in the (D) garden
    And his (G) head is (A) bowed in (D)memories

They say he built the (G) mansion for the love of a (D)woman
They planned to be (G) married in the (A) fall
But her (D) love for him (D) faded in the last days of (D) summer
And the house stands (A) empty after (D) all

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2005 - 2012
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