Artist: Jerry Lee Lewis | Song: Cross Jordan Alone

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Jerry Lee Lewis, Cross Jordan Alone Tabs

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Country Tabs > Lewis Jerry Lee Tabs > Cross Jordan Alone

Artist/Band: Lewis Jerry Lee Tabs
Song: Cross Jordan Alone Tab

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I Won't Have To Cross Jordan Alone  (Track #19)
Jerry Lee Lewis
(T. Ramsey, C.E. Durham)
Album: In Loving Memories (Recorded Live 1970)


Thank you ladies and gentlemen.
I certainly enjoyed the songs, I um, done my best.
And will always do my best, for Jesus.
You are the folks that come hear me, you're wonderful people.
And I love ya and appreciate you coming.
And may God richly bless each and every one of you.
I don't know whether I'll sing any more or not.
I, I might in a few minutes, I feel pretty good.

Alright, sir.
A request for.
Well, I have nineteen requests back here.
An one right here, so.
I have to do this one first.

Song Begins:

When I come to the ending the closing of day
When the last wind of sorrow have blown
There'll be somebody waiting to show me the way
I won't a-have to cross old Jordan, alone

I won't have to cross Jordan alone
Cause Jesus died all my sins to atone
And in the darkness I see he'll be waiting for me
I won't have to cross Jordan alone.

Thank you very much.

What was that, brother?
Oh-a, I haven't heard of it.


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2005 - 2012
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  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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