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, Willie Nelson For President Tabs

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Artist/Band: Peter Dawson Tabs
Song: Willie Nelson For President Tab

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Willie Nelson For President
By Peter Dawson

Capo 3

Crime is up and Wall Street�s down
The shadows are fallin� on the streets of town
Country�s gone to hell, my friend
You can�t trust the Senate or your Congressman
Our government�s run like a runaway train
They�re all passin� the buck �stead of takin� the blame
But I know the man for you and me
An American hero will set us all free

                        G                       D
If I could I�d vote for Willie to run our government
                           A                                         D
�Good mornin� America, how are you� he�d say with his pigtails and a grin
                         G                              Bm
He would unite the whole nation with his guitar and his song
                               E7                                    D
It�s the only thing that makes perfect sense, Willie Nelson for President

He campaigns on the road again Makin� music with all of his friends
Kissin� babies in each new town, he�s got more miles than an old greyhound
On the road with Chris and Waylon
He�s say if you don�t vote for Willie, pucker up and kiss my ass


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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