Artist: Cal Smith | Song: Between Lust And Watching T.v.

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Cal Smith, Between Lust And Watching T.v. Tabs

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Artist/Band: Smith Cal Tabs
Song: Between Lust And Watching T.v. Tab

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               Between Lust and Watching T.V.

                  (Cal Smith)-----(1974)

The life that I�m seeking 
Is not in this bar where I�m sitting 

But it�s sure ain�t at home 
Where the one that I�m married to�s knitting 

Happiness may not be here drinking beer, 
Feeling it go to my head 

But it ain�t back at home where she�s putting in curlers 
     D                       G
And rollers and dressing for bed 

What I�m looking for ain�t the blonde 
In the corner who�s winking 

And it sure ain�t my wife
Who's devoted her life to dumb thinking 

Happiness surely still lives in this world 
And somewhere it�s waiting for me 
And I�m know that it must be some-where between lust
                  D        G
And sitting home watching TV 

C      (Chouus)
Somewhere between Playboy magazine 
And next Tuesday night�s PTA 
Somewhere between a honky-tonk queen 
     G                    D
And what all the dog did today 

      G     (Chorus)
If a wife and a lover could be one of the same
        C                         G
what a beautiful world this would be 
And there would be us somewhere between lust 
And sitting home watching TV 

My wife�s a good cook but a man can�t exist on just bread 
And what I�m hungry for is the one thing I ain�t being fed 
I haven�t been shopping but there�s lot of bargains 
Walking through town tempting me 
And a body could rust on a diet of lust 
And sitting home watching TV 

  Repeat Chorus


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2005 - 2012
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