Artist: Josh Turner | Song: The Answer

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Josh Turner, The Answer Tabs

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Country Tabs > Turner Josh Tabs > The Answer

Artist/Band: Turner Josh Tabs
Song: The Answer Tab

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	D	       G		D	G
If you're lookin' for somebody you can talk to
             D	       G		D	G
When the heartache and the troubles overcome you
	   A	    Bm	       G
There's a man you can count on
                  D                G           A
That you can put your problems on

	G		D
You've questions, you need directions
             G	(A)	D
Arms to hold you for all eternity
             G		D
Look no further 'cause there's no other
	Bm	D	G
For a lover and an understander
Jesus is the answer

		D	       G		D	G
You're out there wondering what got you into such a big ol' mess
	D	       G		D	G
You've been feelin' so undeserving of forgiveness
	A          Bm              G
But there's a King upon a throne
            D                G           A
That lets you know you're not alone


          G	             Gm	  Bm
Sometimes life is a no-win situation
But get down on your knees
	                     G    A
And He'll be right there waiting


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.